I remember my first encounters with being naked had nothing

to do with nudism, that is for sure! Changing into or out of swim suit as a kid, and especially at my grandparents house, was always something I did alone. Why? I really had no idea back then. As I got a little old I remember some occasions when my brother and I changed in exactly the same downstairs utility room, but I think that was because we were in a hurry to go somewhere else or when grandmother was about to do laundry and desired the suits for the wash.
Nanny never made a fuss about seeing our nude booties. Why would she? Finally I started comprehending that nakedness was something unique and there was apparently laid naked on beach did not do it all over. This would have been my “awakening” to puberty, I suppose. Along this time there are a number of dim memories of sitting around my grandparents house wrapped in just a towel, which was likely after swimming. There’s one clear memory of my brother “streaking” through the home and out the back garage door. He came to a halt at the end of the garage, close to the road, where a number of neighbor girls were outside across the street washing a car! http://nudismfree.com was a family event that was talked about for many years, and neither the neighbors or the girls ever said anything to us. I am sure he was seen, but again, this was summer, we were seeing, and we were only kids!
If I ‘d just understood then what I know now, I’d have been “streaking” way more than my brother and likely would have invented a dozen ways to loose my swim trunks or forget them someplace. Years afterwards and several states away from my grandparents home, I recall skinny dipping with my brother as well as a neighborhood friend named Mark. We were going fishing at a lake behind our apartments and got ridiculously hot and sweaty traipsing through the woods from one fishing spot to another.
Symbol, being the oldest of the group, said he was going swimming. He went into the water and then threw his cutoff shorts out after a few moments. I think I went in second and didn’t need to walk home in soaking wet cutoffs, so I removed mine before going into the water. We all thought this was quite daring because of being in clear view of a local international airport’s runway. Anyone looking out the windows of a plane taxiing and turning around at the end of the runway would have had a fairly clear view of us lads. We had great pleasure that summer and there was nothing “inappropriate” about it. I also recall my mom and step-father once mentioning a potential visit to Virginia’s eastern shore, and inquiring both my brother and I if we would go to a nude beach with them.

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This never occurred though.
It was not until about ten years after that I was presented to printed literature on nudism.