Ever since I was a child I was interested in the naked body.

My curiosity began from seeing a shower curtain in my parents bath room that had a nude woman on it.
I think my mother was or is into nudism, because she didn’t wear underwear, instead she wore pantyhose. I believe my parents may have tried swinging, because one morning we children found a pin-the-boobs-on-the-smasher poster still hanging on the den wall from http://videonudism.com/young of their celebrations they had the night before. Me and my brother would additionally look through my father’s playboy magazines while our parents were out shopping.

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young nudist sex of these things made me curious but mainstream society depicted nudist as quacks, and also the human body as smelly and dirty.
But I found out later in life the body smell is because of bacteria that grows in wet dim areas, like parts of the body that sweats a lot, and are covered by clothes.
A another thing that drew me closer to nudism was the naked travel magazines I’d see in book stores.
Well, I started nudism with skinny dipping, and nude hike at golf courses through the nighttime.
Then I graduated to hiking naked during the day in woods and parks.
I now wear clothing when I ‘ve to to function in a clothed society.
I don’t have any shame in nudism since I believe we were created by a God
He demanded them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and have dominion over all the earth. As well as the man and the woman were naked and had no shame.
The second reason I don’t have any shame is because all of God’s creature are naked. I really don’t see them crafting themselves clothed, or attempting to conceal their bodies out of shame.
What I’d like to investigate next is social nudism. The sole thing that’s holding me up with this particular adventure is a lot of the nudism resort around here charge $80 to spend one day at their resorts.
The next issue is plenty of resort don’t allow single men.