Nudity in the dwelling wasnt frowned upon, it just didnt happen.

I found the wonderful world of nudity one hot day in my garden.

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I was alone and was in the area of the garden which cant be seen by the neighbours. Unable to discover any reason not to, I decided to see what it would be like to sunbathe naked. After taking quite a long time to finally take everything off, I understood within 30 seconds that I ‘d made the correct decision. Actually, when had had enough of the sun, I went inside and remained nude until a few minutes before my parents were due home.
Like a number of other writers on this particular website, I’d take my clothing off the moment I had the house to myself, getting dressed again before anyone came home. I needed to tell my parents so that I could possibly get the chance to be naked more often. I stopped wearing my dressing gown when walking from toilet to shower room partially since I couldnt see the point and partially because I needed to analyze the water if I was seen. I was just seen a few times, both by my beloved Mum. My reply was something along the lines of No, whats the huge deal? I dont remember her response but I do know that, on the next occasion, she didnt respond with the same quantity of surprise.
I interpreted this as a positive signal but didnt summon the nerve to ask her if she would mind me going about the home naked all the time. My Father also gave me a chance to show all when he remarked on the gardens suitability for nude sunbathing but I let the opportunity pass by, again!! Finally, determined it was simpler not to say anything than to risk their disapproval And so it continued until I left home to live with the girl who is now my wife. I’ve told her my little secret and she accepts it (just about!) but I understand she feels uneasy if I ‘m naked at any other time in relation to the normal times for nudity, bedtime etc.
As I look back, I really regret not finding out if my parents would have been ok with my nudity or not. I’d counsel anybody who’s considering approaching the subject with their family to do it; you don’t have anything to reduce and absolutely everything to gain.

You Meet the Nicest People When You Are Nude

I come down to the Florida Keys in March with my wife. needed to come down in February but my wife did not want to be away from home that long so she allowed me to go by myself. Being by myself and understanding there was a clothing-optional beach nearby and it’s something I have always thought about trying but knowing my wife would not approve of my mindset, I believed, “She will never understand so go see what’s all about.”

So away I went, short pants, tee shirt, thong, and water shoes. The thong was my out if I could not get up the nerve to go entirely naked. Once I got to the seashore, and this is a little shore, I walked out in my shorts and sat down and began to think, “Are you going to do this or what?”

The funny thing that happened was that I was sitting by this man and we started speaking (he was naked) and I felt uncomfortable and got up and walk down the shore to get away from him. Being somewhat in a secluded place I got my tee shirt off and short pants,only leaving on the thong. came walking down the trail and saw me there and stopped for few minutes and told me a little about the region and where to go and not to go.

Then they started down the shore. I placed back to get some sun when all of a sudden they reappeared and inquire if they could sit down next to where I was sitting. Well this began getting better.

There they sat naked and now having a friendly conversation with me. Soon I found they where no longer nude in front of me (they were but I just then didn’t see anymore) but only a nice couple talking to a visitor. Now the strange thing. I have never been naked in front of a women besides my wife in my life and it all looked perfectly normal.

Now I was nude and this couple appeared to say, “That was not that bad was it,” got up and went on their marry way. The rest of the day I walked around the beach nude and was fearing the sun going down.

I am going to go back and do this again. It only looks so natural and now I am wondering how can I convince my wife there isn’t anything wrong about being naked with like minded folks. It sure beats clothes along with the nudists you meet are incredibly reassuring.

Now I must go and imagine where I am going. Get naked or bare but don’t be a prude.

Introduced Many to Nudism

Raised a strict Catholic in a time that even the word nude or naked was never permitted, I had difficulty understanding this assumption. I discovered I loved being nude very young and regularly had dreams of being bare outside. When old enough to sneak off alone, I experienced my first social nude day and have not looked back.

I’ve introduced numerous buddies to social nudity and have never had one buddy have a bad experience being naked. There have been several friends that vowed they’d never strip naked in public and I gave them plenty of leeway and within only a couple of minutes they had stripped nude and found the only negative element of the day spent naked was that they needed to put their clothes back on at the end of the day.

When I met my husband, he was a long time nudist and we both openly enjoy being naked whenever possible. We entertain many friends and for a while we were bare with just a couple of close friends and then we decided to get a clothing optional bash in our back yard for a mix of bare and fabric buddies. We’ve got a pool and Jacuzzi and the yard is wholly private so this definitely made interesting a lot of fun. The day of the celebration, we’d thoughts that maybe this was a bad idea but too late when the first of our cloth friends arrived a little early. I was wearing a sarong and my husband a male variant of a sarong. With that, I dropped the sarong and said come in and make yourself comfy. of our guest revealed a little trepidation of stripping initially but within the first 30 minutes clothing was no longer optional as everyone was nude.

The majority of our guests had departed by 1AM but two other couples just did not want to see the evening come to a conclusion.

Sunday morning, up early and headed to the kitchen to brew coffee and met Karen and Rick in the hall.

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Both naked and headed to the Jacuzzi. When everyone was up, we women made breakfast and we all enjoyed a leisurely brunch in the nude on the patio. The day passed and no one needed the weekend to finish. We ladies sunbathed by the pool and the men appreciated football but shortly joined us in the pool.

We’ve since continued our celebrations with our new found nudist buddies and do meet at one other couples’ home when their teenagers are gone for the weekend. For those have share the ordinary trepidation of social nudity, I am hoping you’ll work up the courage to at least try it once and I’m certain that you will be hooked for life. You’d be surprised how many of your friends are nudists.

Ontario, California
My first experience

26 years ago my wife and I seen the Club Med on Martinique. Our room was near the nude beach and we walked past it going to and from our room. Although we’re certified in scuba, Club Med demanded a “check-out” dive in order to participate. We went for the check-out our first full day there. I didn’t have some problem and passed. My wife had some ear equalizing problems and had to quit the checkout. This required her to go back the next morning. So I ‘d the morning alone. While walking from to the seashore I stopped at the nude beach. I thought that I’d take a look. It really seemed strange to see so many folks all naked! As I stood there for a second I realized that I was the one standing out in my suit. I hesitated and was going to leave when I said to my self, “What the heck, do it.” It was strange to be standing on a public beach, NUDE! The really shocking part was that no one looked twice! So grabbed a chair, spread out my towel and spent the morning reading.

As it came time for my wife to return, I put my suit on and went to meet her. I inquired how the dive went and she said good, so we could join to go diving. She asked me what I did for the morning. I hesitated and somewhat obstructed, told her. I described the strangeness which dissolved into relaxation as the morning passed. I described that there were all kinds of folks, young and old, fit and far from fit all relaxing on the shore. She surprised me by saying, “I think I should try it out too.” And that is where we spent the remainder of our week when not out diving.

Since then we’ve been to many resorts, some with nude areas and some where the resort was all nude. We attend a club near us when our schedules permit. It took some years to be comfortable telling them, but now all our close friends understand how small we have to pack for vacation!

Running nude

My first time is the same as most, I began at home when I was about fifteen years old. I was raised in an extremely typical American subdivision in Long Island, NY. I am the youngest of three, the summers morning was perfect for a quick jog. I followed my daily route which took me down a fire trail next to the railroad tracks. I became quite comfortable with myself in a brief period of time. Running nude down a wooded dirt road was enjoyable and extremely intoxicating. Unfortunately the trail was coming to an end I started to see buildings and automobiles. beach femdom of being bare had come to a finish.
When I got back to my house everybody else had left for work so I stripped down and stayed bare for the remainder of the day. Since then anytime I can get to a nude beach or a nudist camp, I go when I can, but nothing will fit those first moments back that summer so long ago.

My First Nudist Encounter

About 15 years ago I learned the precise location of the only local nude beach. It wasn’t easy to get reliable advice and I ‘d gone on more than one wild goose chase. I told my wife I was going to check it out when I got a great chance. Not long after I finished work before rush hour and set out to find the shore. I managed to find parking but understood I would have to walk a good half mile. Crossing a number of suburban company parking lots I came to a railroad crossing. I followed the tracks as I was told I should do but I wasn’t alone. Other individuals were headed the same way taking towels and or totes suited to time in the shore. I followed a small group of people when an opening using a trail into the woods veered away from the courses. With this time I noticed there was two way traffic. All this suggested to me a well-known and frequented destination was nearing. A couple more minutes and I started hearing sounds of action, numerous voices etc. They were somewhat crowded onto a small gravelly beach at the southeastern border of a long narrow lake. On the lake there was an equally large number of nude people floating on air mattresses many linked together by holding hands or just with a hand on an adjoining air mattress. Meanwhile a number of people waded and swam bare. The feeling was absolutely liberating. In spite of being alone I didn’t feel noticeable or out of place. I located a small patch of shore and laid out my towel. I took a bit of time to just detect and take it all in but shortly got up and waded into the water. I understood I had discovered an action I’d repeat.
On my way home I thought it might be disappointing attempting to continue going to the seashore as I knew my wife wouldn’t be interested. Arriving house my wife and her sister were relaxing after work and receiving dinner began. Soon she asked me if I found it and I told her yes. asked if I took my clothes off. I told her I did and I adored it. Her answer was “You Are weird”. Boy I had an uphill battle ahead.
Good times have changed and we’ve been members of a landed club for a number of years and she’s also a nudist but that is another story.

-Jim W.
Blaine, Minnesota

I am unsure if this would be considered courageous or not.

I guess it was more of going with the stream. It turned out to be a hot sunny day and I was sitting by my pool bare. I do this a lot since I have lots of privacy. was almost asleep when I heard a voice say hello. I opened my eyes as well as the wife of my lawn man was standing at the other end of my pool. She said she was sorry to disturb me but wanted to spray weed control.

We continue releasing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young naturist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

To my surtprise she said she would love to. She was wearing a tanktop and shorts and in a flash they were on the earth. I have a shower by the pool. She took a fast shower and then jumped into the pool. When she came out of thanked me and said I was the last call for the day. I inquired if she would enjoy a cold beer and again she was delighted. We shared a couple of beers and then she got up to leave. It was quite a nice visit and I loved it a lot.

A Model Nudist, Component One

I grew up in an extremely humble house. Complete nudity was confined to the restroom and only consisted of shower or bath time. I do not remember ever seeing anyone else in the house nude. Maybe that is why nudity fascinated me as a teenager (beyond the standard curiosity about , etc.).

Someplace around seventh grade, I started reading fantasy novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs and Conan publications by Robert E. Howard. The covers of these paperbacks featured excellent paintings by Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo. Many of them involved nudity by members of both sexes. The nudity was not of a sexual nature; the characters in the paintings were involved in other endeavors. A lot of them involved fight, where I figured nudity was unquestionably not advantageous.

The narratives in the books featured scenes of casual nudity quite often, particularly url of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Both John Carter (from World) and the Martian characters thought nothing of running around in the altogether. Actually, the John Carter character’s approach of transport to Mars always involved him waking up naked somewhere on the planet. My young head wondered what such a place would be like, where one could be free to be oneself and not be embarrassed.

I ‘d only learned of “nudist colonies” as if they were a distant occurrence (the movie “A Shot in the Dark” being the most famous reference).

While I was there, I met a young lady who was an art major. She mentioned in passing that she drew naked models in her figure drawing course. The thought of modeling for this type of category was both scary and exciting at precisely the same time. I ventured around to the art building and saw a sheet on a bulletin board advertising for models. They were paying five dollars, which, in the time, was better than any other job I could get. My drawings were horrible, but I wasn’t overly interested in drawing. I needed to watch a session and see the method by which the model acted, was handled, etc.

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It took me awhile to collect the courage to register as a model myself, but I eventually did.

I got a call from the coordinator of that open session. His model had canceled for that night, and he needed someone to cover. I taken somewhat reluctantly. Once I hung up the telephone, I realized the class began in less than an hour. I took a long walk around campus before entering the studio. There were only two women who’d shown up to draw that night. It was election night, and I’m sure plenty of folks stayed home to see the returns.

I didn’t even have a robe, but the female model I had observed had not had one either. I simply stripped down beside the modeling platform. I got down to my panties, took a deep breath, and eased them off. There I was. Both women did not run screaming that there was a nude guy in the room. I took my poses and got more comfortable as the evening went on.

-Dan H.
Fort Worth, Texas
Surprised the Manager

My wife and I were interested in trying out the nudist experience. While in Ohio, on holiday, we decided to visit Paradise Gardens (outside Cincinnati).

When we explained to the supervisor that we were neophytes, she exclaimed, “This is your first time and also you’re already nude!”

Yes, we were, and we certainly enjoyed our say in the gardens.

OY VEY! My Jewish Mother

I was raised by a Jewish mother who taught me that showing skin was the worst thing on earth. She also instilled in me that my body was definitely not beautiful or perfect. I heard it all the time. Cover up. I even had to wear shoes in the house when visitors came, because my toes were “odd looking” in her eyes.

At 25, my then boyfriend told me about a nude beach he was really going to every weekend. He needed me to go with him. I thought he was insane. I resisted at first, but then he eventually talked me into it. He assured we’d leave if I couldn’t handle it.

I scaled the rocks with trepidation. It took me maybe 20 seconds to take my clothes away. That entire summer was like the summer which I fell in love with myself and my body for the first time ever.

At the conclusion of the summer, we broke up; and I never went to another nude beach or resort until I was 42. I missed it. My reaction was pure excitement.

We ordered it for the subsequent weekend. I was so excited that I made myself sick. Nothing was going to prevent me. I went anyhow, and that was the day I rediscovered myself-the day I became extremely alive and whole again. That was 1993. Today, I live in a nudist resort in Land O’ Lakes, Florida; and I am so lucky to be able to live here.

We were interested, concerned and afraid, all at the same time. We studied various options and selected “The Terra Cotta Inn” at Palm Springs for our first time excursion. Once we walked in, it was obvious this wasn’t going to be our normal holiday.

After a couple of minutes, we ventured out and my wife was sure she’d leave the bottom half of her swim suit on. After less than 5 minutes, she saw that she was the sole person with anything on and immediately took them off.

On that first trip, we met amazing people who have become life long friends and can’t imagine life without nude diversion.

If you have thought of attempting it, stop thinking and start planning. You will not regret it.

This Changed My Life

I’d get two weeks home alone and it was summer so when they left I went outside and allow the robe drop to the earth. I recognized the cool summer breeze and how it felt so great so I got into the hot tub. Amazing!

For the rest of that summer I did not put on garments. My parents were frightened at first but they recognized this was what made me joyful.

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

My Girlfriend and I’ve lived together for about 1.5 years and in that time

I Have been chatting with her daughter on facebook and normally working on her. She is also hefty set and didn’t enjoy her body or . She has told us that she’s even bare at home a lot now and she posts opinions on her Facebook page about favorable body acceptance and supporting our nudist lifestyle. But, if she’s her sons with her we can’t do that as we can not be nude around them since their dad (her ex-husband) is not fine with it, yet. have been slowly instructing the sons about nudism and even set a naked photo of the two of us by our pool on display at the place where they could see it. The photograph is very tasteful and while we are completely naked, I’m sitting while Carla stands and no genitals are revealing. Anyway, they saw it and mentioned it which gave us the opportunity to further clarify that we are naked whenever they’re not around and that we are more comfy with no clothes. We also clarified that there was nothing wrong with, nor in seeing our picture. Then maybe one day they’ll want to go without suits as well, even if we can’t yet. Or we’ll take them to Orvis hot springs and explain on the way what to expect as it’s clothing optional. We’ll ‘likely’ wear suits to stop problems with my girlfriends daughters ex but if the boys say it is acceptable for us to not wear them, we probably will go without. Anyway, it will be a good way to get them around a larger group of people who largely soak nude.

So, slowly, we are helping friends and family, in addition to strangers, learn to be comfortable with social nudity and aspire to enlarge our efforts in the forthcoming year.

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If I could manage it and had the liberty I’d like to do much more, almost full time, but for now I’m restricted to part time activism. Maybe one day……

My Girlfriend and I’ve lived together for about 1.5 years and in that time

I’ve been chatting with her daughter on facebook and normally working on her. She is also and didn’t like her body or nudism. She’s told us that she’s even naked at home a lot now and she posts opinions on her Facebook page about positive body acceptance and supporting our nudist lifestyle. But, if she has her sons with nice sex on the beach can’t do that as we can not be naked around them since their dad (her ex-husband) isn’t alright with it, yet. We’ve been slowly teaching the sons about nudism and even set a naked photograph of the two of us by our pool on display at the place where they could see it. The photograph is very tasteful and while we’re completely bare, I’m sitting while Carla stands and no genitals are revealing. Anyway, they saw it and mentioned it which gave us the chance to further explain that we are bare whenever they are not about and that we’re more comfy with no clothes. We hope to get them outside to soak in the hot tub one day and we plan on having a signal stating that no suits are wanted in the bathtub, which will again get them discussing. Then perhaps one day they will want to really go without suits also, even if we can’t yet. Or we will take them to Orvis hot springs and explain on the way what to expect as it’s clothing optional.

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We’ll ‘probably’ wear suits to stop issues with my girlfriends daughters ex but if the sons say it is alright for us to not wear them, we likely will go without. Anyway, it would be a good way to get them around a larger group of individuals who mostly soak nude.

So, slowly, we are helping friends as well as family, along with strangers, learn to be comfortable with social nudity and aspire to enlarge our efforts in the coming year.

If I could manage it and had the independence I’d want to do considerably more, nearly full time, but for now I’m restricted to part time activism. Perhaps one day……

Ever since I was a child I was interested in the naked body.

My curiosity began from seeing a shower curtain in my parents bath room that had a nude woman on it.
I think my mother was or is into nudism, because she didn’t wear underwear, instead she wore pantyhose. I believe my parents may have tried swinging, because one morning we children found a pin-the-boobs-on-the-smasher poster still hanging on the den wall from of their celebrations they had the night before. Me and my brother would additionally look through my father’s playboy magazines while our parents were out shopping.

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young nudist sex of these things made me curious but mainstream society depicted nudist as quacks, and also the human body as smelly and dirty.
But I found out later in life the body smell is because of bacteria that grows in wet dim areas, like parts of the body that sweats a lot, and are covered by clothes.
A another thing that drew me closer to nudism was the naked travel magazines I’d see in book stores.
Well, I started nudism with skinny dipping, and nude hike at golf courses through the nighttime.
Then I graduated to hiking naked during the day in woods and parks.
I now wear clothing when I ‘ve to to function in a clothed society.
I don’t have any shame in nudism since I believe we were created by a God
He demanded them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and have dominion over all the earth. As well as the man and the woman were naked and had no shame.
The second reason I don’t have any shame is because all of God’s creature are naked. I really don’t see them crafting themselves clothed, or attempting to conceal their bodies out of shame.
What I’d like to investigate next is social nudism. The sole thing that’s holding me up with this particular adventure is a lot of the nudism resort around here charge $80 to spend one day at their resorts.
The next issue is plenty of resort don’t allow single men.

Agricultural-zoned lands don’t necessarily require a license for fencing, but Paradise Ranch sought and got the county permit due to the SMA overlay. Condition 6 of the SMA permit expressly requires the lateral, coastal trail to be left open. The lateral, coastal access trail to Lepeuli is considered by many to be part of the Ala Loa, an ancient Hawaiian trail that goes around the entire coast of Kauai along near the sea. This is another trail in relation to the steep, county owned trail overgrown with brush and trees mentioned earlier. In 2010 the County of Kauai acquired another steep, obligation-laden trail in the immediate place it leases from Waioli Corporation, which excludes a high number of beachgoers like the elderly due to its steepness.

Such acceptance was never given, as evidenced by a June 27, 2011 memo to current county Planning Director Michael Dahilig from state Department of Land and Natural Resources chairperson William Aila.
William Aila’s June 27, 2011 memo discredited that 2009 memo, saying it didn’t represent the position of the section regarding asserting roads and trails in Property Courted property. Thus, the state CAN claim a historic trail in Lepe’uli, or another Land Court property should it desire to do so. Aila’s memo was also signed by two Deputy Attorney Generals.
She requested a Contested Case hearing.
On Jan. 10, the lawyer for Paradise Ranch sent a letter to the BLNR communicating that the ranch would concede its license due to the long and expensive legal fight. Three days after, the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) invalidated the license, leaving the importance of a Contested Case moot.
However, Laymon said he’d still construct a fence. On May 21, Paradise Ranch erected a fence effectively obstructing the entry to the sidelong, coastal trail. Laymon claimed he assembled the fence outside the state Conservation District, meaning he no longer needed state acceptance. Nevertheless, some community members contest this claim, saying the fence’s place is actually within the conservation district, thus still necessitating a state license. No matter its location, Condition 6 of the SMA permit certainly says the sidelong, coastal trail cannot be blocked off.
On the night the fence was erected, May 21, 2011, Jesse Reynolds, a 28-year-old farm worker, alleged he’d been thown off a cliff above Larsen’s Strand by Bruce Laymon. Perhaps you have posed naked in public? filed a police report apparently naming Bruce Laymon as the guy who beat him up and attempted to throw him off the cliff.
Laymon denied all claims with a possible alibi, and the Kauai Police later arrested Reynolds for filing a false police report. Curiously, Nudism isn’t a religion. failed to carry on with prosecuting Reynolds. Meanwhile, beachgoers were asking Mr. Laymon why he was building the fence. Laymon allegedly answered, To keep the nudes, gays and hippy campers from the playa.
In a letter to the editor of The Garden Island newspaper Nov. 23, 2011, Waioli Attorney Don Wilson said, in reference to community activists Spacer, Hope Kallai, the Sierra Club, and other witnesses and victims of Laymon’s actions, Their bogus and misleading information regarding ancient trails, imperiled archaeological sites, alleged prohibited activities and physical violence against the community’ have been expensive to Waioli and are without merit.
Wilson punctuates his point by stating that Spacer, Kallai et al are people of self appointed status, and do not represent anyone in the community but themselves. A blatant lie as Spacer had been unanimously made a Naturist Action Committee (NAC) Region Representative as early as Autumn 2010.
Image of the illegal fence, erected on May 21, 2011, that violates Condition 6 of Paradise Ranch’s SMA permit.
Maybe Mr. Wilson is unaware of the existence of The Naturist Society, or The Naturist Action Committee, but in either case, neither Bruce Laymon nor Waioli Corporation have ever attempted to sue Spacer or anyone named above in circuit court, despite the case being an easy triumph if one considers his statement at face value. And when trespassers entered Waioli land on October 23, 2011 to shoot pictures of the alleged stone quarry activity why weren’t any of them detained?

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I grew up in a dwelling where nudity was no huge deal.

We sometimes would swim bare in our pretty private backyard, and nudity in the house was, although not supported, surely not frowned on either.

As an adult there was never much opportunity to revisit those carefree moments of youth.

Finally I was in that area overnight and took the opportunity to visit the shore before starting my work day. I got to the beach sometime around 6 a.m. and the beach was abandoned and cold. I sat in my garments on the sand and watched the sun come up. About 7:30 it got warm enough to take my clothing off and enjoy the sun, the sound of the surf and the wind. By then a number of early risers had come to the beach, but it was still mostly abandoned. I just had an hour or so on the beach before I had to begin my day.

I appreciated the sensation of being bare in nature so much that I went back to the shore after my appointments were finished and loved the remaining part of the day on the much more crowded beach, watching the sun go down before I left. At no time did I feel uncomfortable being naked in the company of other nude people. Maybe getting a little used to it in the morning before the crowds came helped a bit, but I consider that in case you approach nudism from the appropriate standpoint it is not a sexually charged experience and so there is actually nothing to be uncomfortable about. If you have not tried it yet, I’d encourage you to give it a try. Its absolutely amazing.

I’ve since been back to the beach many times and joined a nonlanded club where we’ve been able to relish day trips to landed clubs in the region. It is all great but my favourite place is still the beach with its surf and sand!

-Ryan N.

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Baltimore, Maryland
Waited Too Long

My whole adult life thus far has been subjected to rules made to stop embarrassment to the “firm.” I have had to play by everyone else’s rules. Well for the very first time I decided to take my first step of “liberty” and took a trip to Haulover Beach. WOW! What a awareness relief! To be there, with all those amazing people who had no care what others thought of them…and there I was with them. How wonderful it was to feel the sun on my entire body. Swimming in the ocean with no confinement of a swimsuit. So enjoyable. I can not wait for my next visit. Regrettably, here in Miami there are not any clothing optional communities, so I’m planning a holiday to one in Central Florida. I can’t wait. I’m so thrilled with my new found life.

Miami, Florida
First time at nudist camp!

I was told about nude camp. Was interested! Did not go the first year but the next I did go. What a freeing experience! I joined AANR the very next week and this year became an Associate member! I love it so much that I do proudly say I’m a nudist!

-Deb S.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The possibility of visiting a nudist club fell into my lap unexpectedly. We were only building up the friendship in those days. Then out of a blue I was having tea at her place, when her mother entered. Soon we got acquainted, then her mother mom asked me if I want to join her and Claudia over the weekend at a nude resort. I found myself saying YES.All she advised me was to feel friendly with everyone.

When we reached there, all I can say it was a bare woods, but very well preserved.

Shortly they both got there, clothes away as if was regular routine. I also had to take off. I was shy a bit, but to my amazement no one troubled to look at me. Claudia’s mother, seeing me hesitating a bit, offered to show me the resort. I was surprised to see nude ladies/ women playing volleyball, other sports and swimming with nude men. Not only this but men taking photographs of their family in nude. This made me feel comfortable.

All I can say is it was a greatest weekend I ever had. I felt healthy, and noticed that I ‘d developed more confidence. We have made many friends there. I propose to any or all individuals around the globe take a rest and give your own life a chance to change.

Bochum, Armed forces Europe, Middle East, Africa, Canada
Finest car ride ever

It was in 1989 and we were driving up Interstate 81 through New York. was a wonderful day. We were both merely enjoying the ride as well as the attractive landscape that was passing by and I started to get the sensation that I was wearing too much clothes so I kicked off my shoes and got out of my shirt.

We drove along for a little while longer and I began slipping my trousers off. My wife looked at me and asked, “what are you doing?” I told her I was becoming cozy.

It was great! My wife thought I was crazy. I believe she still does but she’s stuck with me for nearly 20 years.

Now I understand that wasn’t a group nudist experience but it absolutely was the very first time I declared myself a man who likes to be naked. I do have to likewise add that that car ride was the very best memory I have of that trip.


Since my early teens, I’ve always adored the feeling of swimming and sunning bare.

And several late nights, after the rest of the family had gone to bed, I’d quietly ease ito the pool for a skinny dip. It turned out to be a marvelous natural high.
Interestingly enough, I decided to attend college at UC San Diego.
So, I understood right then and there where I would be taking the majority of my study breaks.
I have to say, though, that I experienced what I would expect is a normal degree of trepidation when faced with a first-time nude beach experience. I remember going to the beach a couple of times, and staying clothed, attempting to decide whether I was “safe”. I saw that the beach was huge and spread out such that one could very much maintain a sense of having “personal space”, at what felt like a comfortable distance from other beach goers whose motives for being there might be substantially less than innocent. Finally, the bait of what I had in the rear of my head always wanted to experience won out, and one day I took my new boogie-board down to beach, and without reluctance discarded my swimsuit.
I rushed down to the water, still a little nervous, trying not to make eye contact with the few individuals that were nearby. I plunged into the waves, and immediately realized I was having the time of my own life.
I worn out after a little while, and chose to head back up to the beach. Feeling more relaxed and confident now, I looked around at a number of the others present.
After a moment or two of nervousness, I immediately determined that this was basically a public place, and going nude was my pick, and that I couldn’t actually stop anyone who wanted to look at me from looking. And that as long as they kept a respectable distance and refrained from outwardly lewd conduct or unwanted advances or harassment, I’d just accept the “eye contact” as a compliment, and think no more of and love myself.
I was pleased when it turned out that my fellow naked folks acted just as I had figured they would. And my attitude toward the nude encounter is pretty much the same now — taking off my clothing is a choice I make, but I can not control what you do. In the event you need to look, go right ahead and look, but I trust that you just will not harass or otherwise act distastefully.
To this day, my recollections of my many, many nude trips to that beach are a few of my greatest memories. In the last few years, I’ve been land-locked, so to speak, near Sacramento, but it’s consistently been in the rear of my head to get back to Black’s. I had also like to look at San Onofre.